Spiritual Care For Your Servant Soul  

Learn How to Cultivate & Nourish
Your Personal Growth as a Lightworker 

Mentorship for Advanced Spiritual Practitioners 

You spend every day serving others. Now it’s time to devote the same inspired, dedicated attention to your spiritual expansion.

Perhaps you've been experiencing signs that it's time to shift your energy and pause allowing you to release, refocus and realign. 

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Having a sense that you are meant to change directions to serve humanity but feel unclear and full of doubt.
  • Feeling pulled to merge your spiritual and mortal sides together, but you’re not sure how to get started.
  • You are ready to lean into the higher vibration of the spiritual awakening that is happening all around us, but you’re still dealing with energetic blocks and past traumas.
  • You’ve hit a spiritual plateau, as we all do before we ascend. Spiritual mentorship, fostered by a guide who has been there herself, will help you move beyond your current state and into alignment.
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To fully serve in alignment with your soul , you must nurture yourself first.

Spiritual Mentorship Takes You From…

Wavering when the world feels unstable  ➡️ To Holding Firm with your Highest Energetic Vibration with an unshakable confidence.

Succumbing to compassion fatigue ➡️ To Relying on Proven Spiritual Self-Care Practices that lift your soul out of exhaustion

Doubting yourself and feeling like a spiritual imposter ➡️ To Serving Others as your most authentic, aligned self

Feeling drained, uninspired and disconnected from the work you do ➡️ To Feeling Alive and Aligned with your higher energetic essence 

Dear one, it’s time to Unleash the Radiant Revolution.

My 1:1 spiritual mentorship offers clarity, clearing, activations, and intense soul care that will help you flourish beyond your spiritual plateaus.

Let's Partner Together

My Unique Approach

Mentoring for lightworkers requires a unique approach compared to traditional mentoring. 

As lightworkers, we often work independently and operate on a deeper level of awareness. However, it can be challenging for us to express our needs and aspirations to the broader world effectively. 

Having a mentor who has traveled this path can provide you with the tools you need to flourish and develop. 

By tapping into my many years of invaluable experience and guidance, you can connect with a guide who understands your perspective and speaks your language.

My 1:1 Advanced Spiritual Practitioner Mentorship involves four weeks of intense soul work. While the mentorship program is highly customized to meet your personal needs, the general format is below.

Program Outline

Week 1: Self-Reflection and Goal Setting

  • Assessing current challenges and aspirations

  • Identifying personal and spiritual goals

  • Creating a roadmap for growth and development

Week 2: Clearing and Healing

  • Releasing energetic blockages
  • Explore Karmic /Akashic records
  • Clearing Timeline/ Ancestral
  • Healing past traumas and attachments
  • Balancing and aligning the mind, body, and spirit

Week 3: Deepening Spiritual Practices

  • Exploring advanced spiritual techniques and modalities
  • Integration of Key codes and light activation
  • Integrating new teams in the light of partnering with you

Week 4: Integration and Empowerment

  • Cultivating self-care and maintaining energetic boundaries
  • Meditation practices on a quantum level
  • Creating a plan for continued expansion and service to humanity

Throughout the four weeks, ongoing support, guidance, and mentorship will address individual needs and provide tools for personal transformation and spiritual empowerment.

Sessions last 90 minutes and will be conducted weekly on Zoom or by phone. 

Eager to learn more? 

Book a call to see if we are the right fit for one another at this point in your journey: 

Schedule a Free Call

Colleen is a “first mentor” and a "forever mentor” in my life. I have been in the community with and learning from Colleen for nearly a decade.

I met her when I was in the space of “rock bottom,” the tail end of many years spent denying and burying both my intuitive gifts and innate worthiness. It was through Colleen’s graceful consciousness and unparalleled intuitive awareness that she was able to reach me in that dark place, and throughout every level of my personal ascension, since then.

Colleen is vulnerable and honest about her journey, creating an experience of mentorship that feels like walking alongside a sibling. It is obvious, when mentoring Colleen that she embodies the truth that we are all equal, all unique, and all connected through Source. She is as light and carefree as her message is poignant and transformative, which is saying a lot! Walking alongside Colleen has empowered me to forge my own unique journey with Source and Self, transition lifetimes of grief into gratitude and a deep embrace of our infinite oneness, and consistently seek and embrace pleasure, laughter, and joy in each present moment.

I am eternally grateful for Colleen, my friend, and mentor in this life.



“Spiritual maturity is a lifelong pursuit. We grow in spiritual maturity moment by moment, day by day, year by year.”

— Jim George